Bamboo Sand Rapids
It took a long time to
sleep last night... hypnotised by the translucent silvery glow of a
full moonlit night. The future of 'bamboo sand rapids' or Kwamalasamutu
was swimming around in my head. It's a real joy for us to stay in a
place where echoes of a different time are still strong.... Hand spun
cotton hammocks are still woven under traditionally built homes, cassava
is still laboriously hand ground and sun baked into huge round flat
breads, trains of women still regularly strain under heavy loads of
freshly sourced fire wood, and the men still stride boldly to the forest
focused on the hunt.... A hard working but peaceful scene full of daily
purpose, one we will not easily forget, but one we hope the youth of
Kwamala will not easily forget either.
The lure and attractions from beyond the vast green barrier that hems
them in must be strong. The imported electric colours of big brand sports
clothes they wear, and the thrill of hi-action movies they occasionally
watch on the village TV set are a big distraction from the hard earned
knowledge of their ancestors. Sadly, there are few stepping stones to
the outside world, just one big leap in the form of a plane, the prohibitive
cost of which is way beyond the means of everyone here. Although progress
is coming slowly, the real test of time comes with the careful management
of their resources and inherent forest wisdom, the wise and hopefully
well informed decisions of the Granman, the guiding hands of teachers
like 'Big Paul' the school headmaster and the dedicated heart felt efforts
of Frits van Troon as well as the aspirations of the young are all helping
to build the bridges.
Today we called on one of the old Piai to bless our continuing journey.....more
magical moments Under the raw midday sun he beat out his incantations
on a small drum, and we sat quietly pondering the power of his words....
We have barely touched the surface of the complexities of life in this
remote place and the people of Kwamalasamutu still need a lot of assistance
to guide them on their way. But sitting round a fire with the whole
village encircling us as we sipped Casiri beer and laughed ...Runningman
held the computer up high and we showed the weeks work to an enthralled
audience ....the firelit faces reflected All the warmth, kindness, humour
and humility our hosts have shared with us in the last few days. We'll
be sorry to leave.................
Keeping the Skills Alive
Piai Shaman
Forest Blessings